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A new illustrative take on the classic Brothers Grimm fairytale The Moon  

Chapter 1:

The Travelers

The Moon is a fairy tale about a land where the nights are perpetually dark because the moon never rises and the stars are obscured. Three travelers venture into a kingdom where a shining globe, resembling the moon, is hung on an oak tree to provide light during the night. Intrigued by this source of illumination, the travelers decide to steal it and bring it back to their own country.

Chapter 2:

of Light

After successfully unearthing the moon and transporting it home, they place it on a high oak tree. The light from the stolen moon brings joy to the people, and fantastical creatures like dwarfs and elves rejoice with dances. The four thieves diligently maintain the moon, supplying it with oil and receiving payment for their services. However, as they age, they eventually pass away one by one, taking their respective shares of the moon to their graves.

Chapter 3:

The Death of the Travelers

With each thief's death, the moonlight diminishes until the darkness returns entirely upon the burial of the fourth thief. In the world below, the joined pieces of the moon ignite a resurrection of the dead, who, now able to see in the moonlight, resume their mischief-filled lives. Their rowdy behavior reaches the heavens, prompting Saint Peter to investigate the disturbance. Finding chaos and unrest, he subdues the resurrected dead, takes the moon back to heaven, and restores order.


The Aesthetic

When creating the illustration style I decided that a calming and whimsical tone would be beneficial in making this outlandish story come to life.  To make this vibe come to life details were hand-drawn in an organic painterly fashion.  The color palette is subdued, using only muted greens and blues for the setting and using vibrant light blue and white tones on the moon to give it its moment to shine.

Planning & Sketching
Time-lapse Final Drawing
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